Select which url should be excluded


Please add a valid sitemap adress

Select bots to be blocked


Free Robots.txt Generator

Do you want to create robots.txt quickly? Maybe you feel that it’s too difficult? Don’t worry—use our robots.txt file generator and produce the file in a matter of seconds!

Not sure how to handle robots.txt?

We can help you!


What Is a Robots.txt Generator?

Robots.txt generator is a free tool for generating the robots.txt file. Also known as robots exclusion protocol, this file determines which bots should crawl your sites and which parts of your website require indexing. The tool enables you to create such a file quickly through an intuitive interface.

How to Use Robots.txt Generator?


Add Links to the Pages You Want to Exclude

Specify the URLs or directories you want to block from being crawled. This can help protect sensitive content or manage your site’s crawl budget


Add Link to Sitemap

Input the link to your sitemap in the generator.


Decide which bots you want to exclude

Define which bots you want to enable or disable.


Generate File Contents

Use the generator to create the robots.txt file based on your selections. Review the generated file to ensure accuracy.


Add the Contents of the File to the Appropriate Place

Insert the generated robots.txt file into the root directory of your website. Alternatively, if using a plugin, add the contents to the designated section within the plugin settings.

Benefits of a Well-Configured Robots.txt File

Using the robots.txt generator tool will help you grow your SEO. How? A well-configured robots.txt file helps bots prioritize your website’s content for crawling and indexing, hence improving its visibility. Moreover, it enables you to save on the crawl budget by removing less relevant sites. It is also an effective tool to avoid being penalized for duplicate content if such occurs on your website.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a robots.txt file?

A robots.txt file is the protocol responsible for communication with web crawlers, such as Google bots. It defines which subpages should be crawled and indexed in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Why Do I Need a Robots.txt File?

The robot.txt file helps you avoid generating too many requests by excluding the subpages that you don’t need to have crawled by Google bots.

Is This Robots.txt Generator Free?

Yes, our robots.txt generator is completely free.

Can I Update My Robots.txt File Later?

Yes, you can update your robots.txt file later—it’s a simple text file hosted on your website’s server, so you can modify it (or replace it with a newly generated robots.txt) whenever you wish.

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Robert Smalarz - Senior Web Developer

Robert Smalarz

Senior Web Developer