Google Tests New Function – Ads Displayed Along Organic Search Results



Google Tests New Function – Ads Displayed Along Organic Search Resultsd-tags
27 October 2023
Have you recently seen an ad displayed as the 8th,9th or 10th search results? That's not an error. Find out what's happening!



Ads Displayed Along Free Search Results

Recently, many users have been reporting that they see paid ads along free search results in SERPs. While initially it might seem a mistake, it actually is no coincidence. Google Ads liaison official account has, somewhat, confirmed that:

As you can see, it’s currently difficult to determine whether this function will be permanently woven into the SERPs. But, it has already caused quite an outrage.

Users Are Not Happy with the Change

As many users point out, one of the keys to Google success was a clear interface and a visible distinction between ads and free content.

However, this potential update might change that. And, although nothing has been confirmed yet for the long run, these test have already caused an outrage. How will the tech giant react? We’re about to find out in the upcoming weeks.

Milena Fietko
Milena Fietko

SEO Strategy Manager

She specializes in industries that require an out-of-the-box approach to the process, or cover topics that others would not. She has been working at Delante since 2016. Privately, she loves dancing to Caribbean rhythms.

Milena Fietko
Milena Fietko

SEO Strategy Manager

She specializes in industries that require an out-of-the-box approach to the process, or cover topics that others would not. She has been working at Delante since 2016. Privately, she loves dancing to Caribbean rhythms.