On some accounts, it is now possible to schedule the timing of selected ads in campaigns with the objectives “purchase” and “app promotion.” Prior to this update, the ability to set a schedule for specific ads was only available in Advantage+ shopping campaigns.
What Does this Mean to You?
Thanks to this update, you can now schedule ads with different timings within a single ad set, eliminating the need to create multiple ad sets.
Another improvement available in Meta Ads campaigns is the automatic adjustment of displayed text in ads.
What Does this Mean to You?
After enabling this option, Meta will display the first line of ad text only when it deems it will enhance ad effectiveness.
Dynamic ad creative is being replaced with the “flexible” ad format.
What Does this Mean to You?
By choosing this option, you allow the Meta panel to decide which ad format to display to the user in a given place and time (flexible ad allows for up to 10 videos/photos and up to 5 headline, ad text, or description options). This can help increase campaign effectiveness.