Universal Analytics Will Be Going Away in 2023



Universal Analytics Will Be Going Away in 2023d-tags
17 March 2022
Google Analytics as we know it will be going away on July 1, 2023, and will be replaced by Google Analytics 4. What does this mean? Is it worth switching to GA4 right now? And what about data we have been collecting all these years, will it all be lost?



Google announced something we've all been expecting for a while - Universal Analytics retirement. It will be replaced with Google Analytics 4, which is available for 2.5 years already. [embed]https://twitter.com/googleanalytics/status/1504114755094532100?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1504114755094532100%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdelante.pl%2Fgoogle-analytics-universal-zostanie-wycofane-w-2023-roku%2F[/embed] Here are some facts straight from Google:
  1. Analytics Universal will collect data until July 1, 2023.
  2. After July 1, you will still be able to access your data in your old GA for up to 6 months.

GA will Stop Working - What Now?

If you are already using GA4, you don't have to do anything. However, we know that most of us still use Universal Analytics. Partly out of habit and partly because until now the older version was more advanced. But, knowing that we will all have to switch to GA4 soon, it is worth taking a few steps:
  1. Set up Google Analytics 4 for your website now. Even if you do not use it for another year, it may run in parallel with Universal Analytics and collect data. This is of great value for future analysis.
  2. Do not set GA4 aside for the time being. Click through, set goals, analyze, get your analytical heart used to the new interface.
  3. On July 1, 2023 export all data from Universal Analytics. You will still have access to data for some time, but it will be limited. It's good to have them on your disk somewhere.

What are We Going to Do?

We will definitely help you go through this change as smoothly as possible. Expect updated guides and instructions
Kasia Zielosko Marketing Delante
Kasia Zielosko

Marketing Team Leader


She is responsible for the company’s marketing. She specializes in lead generation, international marketing, content marketing and analytics. Privately, she is a dog mom, saxophonist, macramé braider and travel lover.

Kasia Zielosko Marketing Delante
Kasia Zielosko

Marketing Team Leader


She is responsible for the company’s marketing. She specializes in lead generation, international marketing, content marketing and analytics. Privately, she is a dog mom, saxophonist, macramé braider and travel lover.