964% growth of traffic from organic search in a year


This case was nominated for an award

Global Search Awards 2023

Client Goals


Building organic traffic

Mazer is an XR software company offering SaaS and B2B services based on functional metaverse. They sought assistance in launching a completely new website, and therefore asked us to help them grow traffic from scratch.


Increasing website visibility

Gaining brand visibility in a highly competitive industry that is the software field gets tricky. Appearance in search results was therefore crucial for our client’s business to grow.


Introducing relevant keywords to the TOP10

During the initial analysis and keyword research, we identified 20 most business-relevant keywords that we wanted to rank in the TOP10 results of Google Search.

You can learn more about Mazer and their services here: www.mazerspace.com  

SEO Team

When you’re working on a newly launched website and have to work for traffic and visibility growth simultaneously, it’s crucial to approach the project holistically. Luckily, Mazer entrusted us with the process, allowing us the freedom to carry on with all SEO activities. In such cases, it’s even more rewarding to show our client the progress and great results we achieve together!

Przemek Jaskierski
Przemek Jaskierski Senior SEO Specialist

On-Site Strategy

Getting rid of a shared IP address

It was really difficult to kickstart the visibility growth of Mazer’s website. At the beginning of the process, we identified the reason behind this difficulty – it was a shared IP address.

Why we did it

Shared IP addresses can be tricky – you have no control over the IP neighborhood and what’s being published on sites you share the IP with. Even though the solution may be cheaper, bad neighborhoods can negatively impact your site performance. The answer here is dedicated hosting.

The first step, which proved to be crucial for our client’s website performance, was changing the IP address from a shared to a dedicated one. To help Mazer grow, first, we needed to start with the site base. 

At the time, Mazers’ Shared IP address had a poor neighborhood that was harmful to mazerspace.com. It included a lot of junk, spammy, or empty pages that negatively affected Mazer’s online presence.

We decided to move the site to a dedicated IP – and the outcome was more than positive:

seo case study visibility growth

The performance of the website started to grow at a much better speed after the change. 

Read Przemek’s article explaining how shared IP addresses can be a source of poor website performance: Shared IP Address -Can It Hurt Your Site?

Creating a heading structure

The next step in the SEO process was to establish a correct heading hierarchy for Mazer’s website.

Why we did it

Headings are crucial for both UX and SEO reasons. By implementing keyword-focused headings with a clear hierarchy we give users and crawlers a better understanding of the website content.

The site lacked well-structured headings structure. With content work and the introduction of proper hierarchical arrangement, the keyword ranking and indexing process improved.

An example of headings on the main page before the work:

header structure


headers after the optimization

Blocking indexation from template pages

During the process, we discovered the indexation of some pages that in fact should remain hidden.

Why we did it

During the indexation, search engine crawlers evaluate the web content – it’s important to make sure they reach only the pages of high potential that bring solid value to potential users. Other pages that don’t offer much value should be excluded from the reach of search engine robots.

The “more is better” rule is not always the right approach, especially when it comes to indexing one’s pages. During the website analysis, we found out that half of our client’s indexed addresses were in fact templates. They remained in the website structure and were not blocked from indexing.

number of indexed pages

Half of those pages shouldn’t be indexed.

We put them out of the index, so that only the pages offering value to users remained indexed.

Improving indexation flow with the Delante indexation tool

The template pages weren’t the only issue with indexation encountered by our client. We also needed to optimize the indexation process flow.

Why we did it

As the number of web pages continues to grow, it becomes more and more difficult for Google crawlers to thoroughly examine and index all relevant content. The rules and timeline that applied to indexation in the past are no longer accurate. That’s why companies need to find other ways to speed up the indexing of their content.

At the beginning of 2022, many sites suffered indexation problems caused by changes in Google’s algorithm. With new content being implemented on Mazerspace.com, we had to speed up the indexing

At the beginning of 2022, many sites suffered indexation problems caused by changes in Google’s algorithm. With new content being implemented on Mazerspace.com, we had to speed up the indexing process – we used the internal app to accelerate the indexing. Here’s its core mechanism:

– we used the internal app to accelerate the indexing. Here’s its core mechanism:

indexer api

By using our app, we had more control over the process and could optimize it. It was crucial in terms of gaining keywords visibility and rank – which was among the client’s goals.

Learn more on how to speed up the indexing process from Delante’s Managing Partner Matt Calik ? How To Speed Up Google Indexing

Internal Linking implementation

After fixing the indexation issues, we moved to implementing internal linking

Why we did it

Internal links, often overlooked by website owners, are an important part of creating content hierarchy within a domain. Over time, they the growth of website visibility for relevant keywords.

To fix the problem of poor internal linking, we created a page references net within the website and went for a global solution – implementing the “Recent Blog Posts” section on core pages:

recent blog posts section to improve internal linking

Page Speed & Mobile Optimization

Mazer’s website required improvement also in the area of page loading speed and adaptation to mobile devices.

Why we did it

Too long website loading time can be a real deal breaker for users visiting the site. The same applies to website displays on mobile devices. These two elements should be optimization priorities in all cases to maintain traffic growth and good site UX.

As a part of the technical optimization for Mazer, we also included Page Speed improvements and Mobile view optimization.

To speed up the website loading time we implemented:

  • image lazy loading solutions
  • page cache
  • Limited the usage of unnecessary website plug-ins.

Regarding mobile adjustments, some of the core website elements wouldn’t display correctly on mobile devices. We fixed the design issues.

Core Web Vitals optimization

The next improvements were related to Google algorithms requirements regarding Core Web Vitals.

Why we did it

Once Core Web Vitals were officially introduced as an evaluation factor in Google algorithms, website owners simply can’t forget about optimizing those elements.

In the case of Mazer’s website, the domain required a few improvements to get a better Core Web Vitals score. Among the general optimizations were:

  • setting the appropriate image size for the domain
  • changing dynamic elements to static ones
  • setting the hierarchy of plug-ins loading within the site.

Website content improvement

Last but not least – the website content. It played a huge part in the strategy prepared for Mazer.

Why we did it

Some might say that the Content is King approach is no longer accurate. Truth is, when backed up with proper business analysis, search intent focus and proper content strategy it’s still one of the pillars keeping website performance on a high level.

Content support was a big part of the process we prepared for Mazer. We prepared content for blogs and pages, took over the planning process, and ensured the keyword selection was contributing to the company’s business plan. Main areas of content optimization:

  • preparing and implementing service descriptions:

seo case study content development

  • Blog optimization – topics recommendations, keyword selection, implementing table of contents to all posts, implementing FA

table of content implementation seo case study

Off-Site Strategy

For Mazer, we carried out a two-step off-site process.

The first one focused on improving the website’s authority. To create a solid link profile, we obtained quality backlinks from topic-related referring sites. We also analyzed competitors’ link profiles and filled the gap, obtaining lacking referring links from external sources that were already being used by the main competition.

Simultaneously, we used link building to grow the site’s visibility and improve the page’s position in SERPs. As a support for already well-ranking keywords, we engaged with sponsored content – published on the top authority websites.


  • Achieving traffic growth up to 1000 visitors – 910% growth

traffic growth results seo case study

  • Increasing the visibility of the website – achieving a growth to 10k impressions in Search within a year – 563% completion of the initial goal for the analysed period (10k expected vs. 66.3k delivered)

  • Implementing 20 main keywords into the TOP10 within one year – 33 keywords in TOP10 delivered.

keyword performance results

Initial Level Goal After 12 months
KW in TOP10 1 20 33 Over Delivered
Visibility 2.53K 10K 66.3K Over Delivered
Traffic 197 1000 1990 Over Delivered

General Growth trends:

  • traffic Jan 2022 – March 2023

general trend of traffic growth for the client

  • Visibility growth

visibility trend

Our Awards

2024 Global Agency Awards 2024 European Search Awards 2024 Global Search Awards Award - Global Search Awards 2023 Award - Global Agency Awards 2022 Award - European eCommerce Awards 2022 Award - European Search Awards 2022 Award - Global Digital Excellence Awards 2022 Award - Global Search Award 2022 Award - IPMA Award - Deloitte 2021 Award - US Search Awards 2021

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