New Google Features for Travel and Tour Operators



New Google Features for Travel and Tour Operatorsd-tags
12 October 2022
Google introduced 3 new features for attraction and tour operators to help them reach more travelers with less fuss. Find out more about how you can use it to connect with new clients straight on Google Search & Maps!



As the search “fun activities” reached an all-time high in the United States, Google decided to introduce new features to make users’ lives easier and help travel marketers connect with travelers around the world.

Find out what are the new features and how you can use them to boost your business revenue!

Booking Tickets on Google Maps

This feature is available since last year, but so far it was available only on Google Search. From now on, booking tickets and comparing prices will be possible on Google Maps as well.

Google introduced this feature because a lot of people plan their activities on Google Maps. Being able to book tickets straight away without leaving the app is really handy.

Google Maps will also recommend related experiences that go well with a particular attraction.

Updating Ticket Prices Through Google Business Profile

Editing ticket prices will be much easier for attraction owners who can do it through their Google Business Profile, instead of working with connectivity partners.

It will make the process simpler and quicker and will give business owners more control over displaying prices.

This feature will be soon available for activity and tour operators too.

Eye-Catching Ads to Stand out from the Crowd

More countries and languages will be able to use the new ad format introduced by Google last year. It includes images, reviews, and pricing making ads more visible and eye-catching.

Mobile search will include individual attraction ads which will be very handy for business owners who want to stand out from the competition and attract more customers.

Check out how to set up ad campaigns like this in Google’s Center Help

Learn with Google How to Use New Features

Google is really keen on adding new features and educating business owners on how to use them. That’s why on November 2nd Google will host the Travel On Air webinar to explain new functionalities.

The webinar will explore how travel providers can list their activities and experiences on Google for free and connect with new customers.

You can register for it right here – Travel On Air.

If you want to connect with travelers around the world don’t miss out on it!

Ania Żur

Junior Marketing Specialist

Absolwentka Studiów Dalekowschodnich i Zarządzania Reklamą i Mediami na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Do Delante dołączyła w 2021 roku, gdzie rozwija się jako Junior Marketing Specialist. W wolnym czasie udziela korepetycji z języka japońskiego, dużo czyta i podróżuje po świecie. Interesuje się content marketingiem, japońską kulturą i sztuką oraz geopolityką.

Ania Żur

Junior Marketing Specialist

Absolwentka Studiów Dalekowschodnich i Zarządzania Reklamą i Mediami na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Do Delante dołączyła w 2021 roku, gdzie rozwija się jako Junior Marketing Specialist. W wolnym czasie udziela korepetycji z języka japońskiego, dużo czyta i podróżuje po świecie. Interesuje się content marketingiem, japońską kulturą i sztuką oraz geopolityką.