A Good Pop-Up Gets Good Sales
Pop-ups and UX can help generate good sales when you respect your website visitors. Pop-ups on your website follow your users everywhere. Now, you don’t want your user tired or annoyed of your website. So, as a business, you need to create a pop-up that respects the space of the customer. In many ways, a good pop-up is like a good salesman in a store who first lets the customer navigate and understand what they are looking for. After some time, they appear on the screen to talk to the client offering something that is relevant to what they are searching for. Including pop-ups on your website is a great marketing strategy since it gives strong results and conversion rates. Not only can you gain the email address of your visitors, but you can secure data and insights. You know that this user is interested in a particular kind of content when they sign up on a pop-up.How to Make Pop-Ups UX Work for Your Website?
1. Avoid Entry Pop-Ups - Display Based on Engagement
One of the pop up UX best practices is to avoid using entry pop-ups. Entry pop-ups normally interrupt the typical browsing and reading flow of a website user, it prevents visitors from gaining access to desired content, may offer irrelevant information, and generally makes visitors feel confused. The overuse of traditional entry pop-ups in the form of annoying advertisements is why Google has created webmaster guidelines to avoid the use of this outdated system. Instead of irritating people on their first visit, wait for your visitors to get to know your website first and show your pop-up according to their interests. Display the pop-ups after a few seconds when someone is reading an actual page to catch the attention of inactive visitors. You can also show the pop-up after a visitor has scrolled down on your page in order to catch the attention of actively engaged visitors. The best time to place a pop-up is just before the visitor is about to leave the page.2. Categorize your Visitors
Your pop up UX design will only be relevant for your visitors if it provides a solution to their problem. This can easily be achieved by dividing your visitors into categories, based on their interests. These categories vary by industry and product line. However, all businesses can group their visitors' intro categories based on their interests, and even their stage of the buying process. Here are some typical categorizing options:- Location-based targeting - If you sell internationally, location-based targeting can be a great way to increase conversion rate. You can create as many different messages for as many target countries as you’d like for your visitors.
- Returning visitors - Returning visitors are usually more engaged in buying than new visitors who are learning about your website for the first time.
- Cold vs hot prospects – To convert hot prospects, you should encourage them to make an immediate purchase by engaging them in attractive offers like discounts or deals. To convert cold prospects, you ideally need to make them subscribe. After securing their contact details, you can reach out to them over time until they are ready to buy.
- Target visitors based on their stage in the buying process - In a typical buying process or “sales funnel“, your first goal is to get visitors into the funnel — this is known as awareness. You also need to guide them through the subsequent buying process – interest, consideration, intent and evaluation – before arriving at their final destination, purchase.