Google Ads Editor is a free downloadable application designed to assist with managing advertising accounts. It allows for offline campaign editing and serves as a significant aid in making bulk changes, ultimately saving you time.
- Application Menu.
- Toolbar – located at the top of Google Ads Editor. Use the buttons to open or add an account, download recent changes, check or publish changes to Google Ads, and view account statistics.
- Tree view – use this view to select or search for the account, campaign, or ad group you want to view or edit. Click the arrow next to the account name or any campaign to expand or collapse it.
- Type list – click the selected item to browse or search for data for the selected account, campaign, or ad group.
- Data view – displays the content of your account, campaign, or ad group. The content of the data view will change depending on what you select in the tree view and the type list.
- Edit Panel – click the Open in the new window icon. You can resize the panel to see more columns in the data view.